Sunday, 26 April 2015

The Story of Us - An Extract

For the first time in seven years, I wrote a poem for my husband for Valentine's Day. It tells the story of our meeting, our early years, our first baby, our wedding, our second baby and our family. I'm not going to publish it all here, because it was written for my husband, but here are a few extracts I wanted to share. 

The Story of Us (An Extract)

(...)Do you remember the things that we used to do?
The drinking, the parties, in our flat for two.
I loved that place, our first home together,
I never thought we’d move out, not then, not ever.
But we had some news, we were starting a family,
we’d no longer be, just Craig and Emily.
I remember your reaction, the smile, the hug,
finishing off with, “I love you, bug”

On 20th March, our girl was born,
our sweet little Eva, on the first spring morn.
She had your eyes, and she had my cheeks,
it wasn’t long before she started to shriek.
She turned our world upside down,
Our princess with a double crown.
That was 2011! Where’s the time gone?
But let’s not stop there, I’m not nearly done(..)

(...)So now we’re married, I’m Mrs Tee,
It’s 2014, we’re having another baby.
Just as we planned, we’re having a boy,
I’d never imagine he could bring us such joy.
It was scary at first, he was born too quick,
But they wrapped him up in a blanket all thick.
We gave him a cuddle, and he held on,
our strong baby boy, our little Jackson.

So we’ve grown to a noisy family of four,
we don’t really drink or party any more.
But who needs that when we’re so complete,
forty little toes on eight little feet.
I’m so glad I met you, you’re simply the best,
I never want it to change, we’ve built our nest.
I’ll love you for always, my husband, my friend,
my favourite, my best, together ‘til the end.

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